Demo Day 2 Sunday June 14th

Scott Bicycles and Melonbike will be at Bluff Creek MTB Trails on Sunday June 14th from 2pm to 6pm. We will have a selection of full suspension mountain bikes and a few road bikes available for demo at the trails. Like Saturday, this event is free and there is no cost for a bike demo. Remember to bring your helmet and if you would like to use your own shoes/pedals, bring those too. See you there!


Wheels and Water Demo Day on June 13th

Melonbike with Scott Bicycles, Flat Tide, Core Extreme Sports and OKC Kayak present Wheels and Water Demo day at Lake Overholser. The event is free to all and will feature testing and demonstrations by Melonbike, Scott Bicycles, Flat Tide Surf, Core Extreme Sports and OKC Kayak. This is a great opportunity to explore and try out bicycles, kayaks, skateboards and paddle boards before Summer kicks into full swing.


Melonbike Cycling Club on Strava

We just created our new Cycling Club on Strava. The club is open to anyone so join now. If you have never used Strava, you should check it out. It is a great tool for tracking your cycling progress.



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