Wednesday Night Ride

Join us tonight at 6pm for the Melonbike Wednesday Night Ride. We meet on the bike path in front of Louie’s Lakeside at Lake Hefner. The ride will run in 2 groups. Group 1 is a light paced no drop ride that stays on the lake path. We will do as many laps as time allows. Group 2 is a drop group that could end up anywhere in the city and averages a much higher pace. No matter which group you choose, we all meet back at Louie’s between 7:30 and 8pm for some post-ride refreshments.

Melonbike Cycling Club on Strava

We just created our new Cycling Club on Strava. The club is open to anyone so join now. If you have never used Strava, you should check it out. It is a great tool for tracking your cycling progress.



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